The Medusa Compound: Episode 14

In the previous episode we watched as Magnuss arrived on the scene. Under normal circumstances several alien arses would now get themselves kicked; but I have a feeling that Jean-Jacques has plans to break a mould or two with this wondrous tale. So let’s see what Monsieur Bivouac has prepared for us…

Chapter Six

Now had Magnuss used his brain instead of a slightly elevated testosterone level that his doctor had discovered the day previous, he would have returned to the Museum of Future Technology for a squad of Seventh Cavalry troopers and maybe a couple of inductees into the Yabu Suchs Academy of Heroes. But he didn’t, so faced the consequences of his impetuosity alone. Real doubts surfaced when a light shone upon him from the door of the office suite…

They evaporated when a happy voice said, “Well knock me down with a feather: it’s Magnuss Earplug! Wow, how ya doing Magnuss? Come to watch us rehearse?”

Magnuss was a little surprised at this welcome. “Um, rehearse?” He managed.

“Yeah,” the voice replied, “we’re a repertory company from Nibblers Flatch. We’ve self-penned a play about…well…about you. Well actually about your acts of bravery in protecting the museum from all sorts of…ah…nasty stuff. This is our first dress rehearsal. Would you like to see it? We’d love your input.”

Magnuss wasn’t one for responding to an ego massage, but he couldn’t see any harm in helping a bunch of young (and probably hungry) actors in their endeavours. He replied in the affirmative. Moments later the door swung open on brand new, squeak-free brass hinges…

However, as Magnuss entered the office, his nose caught a whiff of something that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand erect…

He couldn’t recognise it, of course; but he knew it came from a time in his past. But as he stepped away from the door, and the lighting improved, he was greeted with a sight that curdled the milkshake that festered in his stomach… 

“What do you think of our costumes, Mister Earplug?” The red sentinel robot spoke in the same voice that had invited Magnuss into the room…

For a split second Magnuss was placated by this explanation as to why he apparently stood before four of his mortal enemies, but an almost apologetic expression on the face of Luke Blister sent warning signals to the experienced hero. He turned to flee – only to be confronted by an unbelievable sight: Ballington Cork in cahoots with Mister Zinc!

“There is nowhere to run.” Ballington hissed. “The door is self-sealing.”

Magnuss now recognised the elusive stench. He thought quickly. Probably quicker than he had needed to in a very long while. Aware that Ballington possessed considerable psychic abilities and could influence people without their knowing it, he produced a vile fart; condensed it into a sphere; and, using his telekinetic skills hurled it at the large cork…

Though the others grew nervous, Ballington snorted his contempt at the attack – stalling it mid-flight and allowing it to dissipate all over Magnuss…

However, as bad as this situation was, it would become far worse. Upon opening his tear-filled eyes, he caught sight of this…

“Aaargh, no!” He wailed. “What a total twonk I’ve been: I’ve walked straight into a trap laid by…ah…what could only be described as an Anvil of Evilness!”

Ballington roared with mirth. “Your gaseous emissions are addling your brain, Magnuss, sodding, Earplug. It’s an Axis of Evil. An axis of evil against which you, alone, have no defence. Let him have it boys!”

© Paul Trevor Nolan 2024

Is this complacency we are witnessing here? An earplug so confident in his abilities that he is allowing good sense to be usurped by hubris? Surely the museum’s greatest hero couldn’t possibly have fallen into such a trap so easily! No, of course not; don’t be silly. But then again… Returning for Episode 15 is probably a good idea.

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