Less Than Five ‘Likes’, and You’re Toast

That title has always been the criteria for the removal of unpopular posts from this blog. Usually it’s used for clearing out space on my data allowance; but today I thought I’d clean house for the sake of it. I also hate having stuff on this blog that no one wants to read or look at: it just fills up space that could be used for something better. In the past it has been clear that certain episodes of the Earplug Adventures perform worst; but I usually leave them in – if only for the sake of continuity for anyone smart enough to read and enjoy the stories. But not any more: less than five likes, and you’re toast – fabulous or not. On that subject, it was interesting to note that the latest tale – The  Medusa Compound – performed much better that the previous opus – The Academy of Heroes. Also, the SFX-heavy episodes fared much worse than the simple ‘shoot the picture and add some pupils to the eyes’ shots. Simplicity, it seems, works better than clever stuff that takes hours to create. I was sorry to see that many personal posts were largely disliked or ignored, despite my up-beat attitude concerning my terminal cancer and how I deal best with it. My rural and nature wall papers have always proven a resonable draw; but even they have fallen off recently too. Even worse, Tooty the Chef is only hitting half as well since he began keeping his underpants on! What does that tell us? All in all, I’ve seen a downturn in viewer numbers and precious little interaction. When I think about how it used to be, a few years ago: (sigh). Of course it  could be the way it goes with WordPress these days. What are your experiences?

Of course it could have been far worse: I could have been handed this name at birth…


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